Spack Training


The goal of this training is to provide advice for how one can use Spack to install packages and manage a software stack on Perlmutter. We will cover the following topics:

  • User Environment

  • Defining Compilers in Spack

  • Define Package Preference and Externals

  • Create a source mirror

  • Building CUDA packages

  • Generating modulefiles

After completing the training, one can expect to be familiar with the customizations needed for an optimal Spack experience on Perlmutter.


In order to perform this training, you need a NERSC account and access to Perlmutter. We assume you already have a basic understanding of spack.


In order to get started, please Connect to Perlmutter via ssh. Once you have access, please clone the following Git repository into your $HOME directory.

git clone

User Environment

Spack builds can be sensitive to your user environment and any configuration setup in your shell startup files. We recommend you review your startup configuration files. Some things to look out for are the following:

  1. Loading or unloading of any modules

  2. Activating a Python or Conda environment

  3. Any user environment variables such as $PATH


We have seen that purging modules (module purge) can alter Spack builds and cause most of the Cray programming environment to be removed. For more details see spack/#27124.

When performing Spack builds, we encourage using the default modules. This should look at follows:

elvis@login34> module list

Currently Loaded Modules:
  1) craype-x86-milan     4) perftools-base/22.06.0                 7) craype/2.7.16      10) cray-libsci/  13) darshan/3.3.1 (io)
  2) libfabric/   5) xpmem/2.3.2-2.2_7.5__g93dd7ee.shasta   8) cray-dsmml/0.2.2   11) PrgEnv-gnu/8.3.3
  3) craype-network-ofi   6) gcc/11.2.0                             9) cray-mpich/8.1.17  12) xalt/2.10.2

   io:  Input/output software

In order to setup our environment, let’s source the setup script which will create a new Python virtual environment to perform the Spack builds. Please run the following commands:

elvis@login34> cd spack-infrastructure/
elvis@login34> source
Collecting clingo
  Using cached clingo-5.5.2-cp36-cp36m-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl (2.2 MB)
Collecting cffi
  Using cached cffi-1.15.1-cp36-cp36m-manylinux_2_5_x86_64.manylinux1_x86_64.whl (402 kB)
Collecting pycparser
  Using cached pycparser-2.21-py2.py3-none-any.whl (118 kB)
Installing collected packages: pycparser, cffi, clingo
Successfully installed cffi-1.15.1 clingo-5.5.2 pycparser-2.21
WARNING: You are using pip version 20.2.3; however, version 21.3.1 is available.
You should consider upgrading via the '/global/homes/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/spack-pyenv/bin/python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip' command.
Package    Version
---------- -------
cffi       1.15.1
clingo     5.5.2
pip        20.2.3
pycparser  2.21
setuptools 44.1.1
WARNING: You are using pip version 20.2.3; however, version 21.3.1 is available.
You should consider upgrading via the '/global/homes/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/spack-pyenv/bin/python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip' command.

The script will install clingo in your Python environment which is typically required by Spack along with a few other configurations relevant for building Spack.


Spack requires clingo in-order to bootstrap clingo however we observed issues where Spack was unable to bootstrap clingo see spack/28315. We found that installing clingo as a Python package addressed the issue.

Acquiring Spack

Clone the following Spack branch from the Git Repository and source the setup script.

git clone -b e4s-22.05
source spack/share/spack/

Once you have acquired Spack and sourced the activation script, please run the following commands to ensure your setup is done correctly. We have configured the environment, SPACK_PYTHON, to use a Python wrapper in the virtual environment.

(spack-pyenv) elvis@login34> spack --version
0.18.0.dev0 (6040c82740449632aa1d6faab08f93f5e4c54615)

(spack-pyenv) elvis@login34> echo $SPACK_PYTHON

(spack-pyenv) elvis@login34> which python

The command below will pass the full path to the Python interpreter used by Spack, which should be the path set by environment SPACK_PYTHON.

(spack-pyenv) elvis@login34> spack-python --path

Creating a Spack Environment

When using Spack, you may be tempted to start installing packages via spack install in your Spack instance. Note that it’s best you organize your Spack stacks in their own spack environment, similar to how one would organize a Python or Conda environment.

Let’s start by creating a Spack environment named data_viz, and activating it.

spack env create data_viz
spack env activate data_viz

Upon completion you should confirm the output of spack env status matches the following:

(spack-pyenv) elvis@login34> spack env status
==> In environment data_viz

Let’s navigate to the directory for Spack environment data_viz. You will see a file spack.yaml that is used to specify your Spack configuration. This includes configuration options such as which compilers to use in your Spack builds.

(spack-pyenv) elvis@login34> spack cd -e data_viz
(spack-pyenv) elvis@login34> ls -l
total 1
-rw-rw-r-- 1 elvis elvis 199 Aug  3 19:09 spack.yaml

Defining Compilers

In order to use Spack, one must define a list of compilers in order to build packages. On Perlmutter, we have gcc/11.2.0 and cce/13.0.2 compilers available as modulefiles which correspond to the GCC and Cray compiler. In order to specify the compiler definition we must use the corresponding PrgEnv-* module.

(spack-pyenv) elvis@login34> ml -t av gcc/11.2.0 cce/13.0.2

Let’s add the following content in spack.yaml. Please open the file in your preferred editor and paste the contents. Note that we specify the full path for cc, cxx, f77, and fc which should correspond to the Cray wrappers.

 1# This is a Spack Environment file.
 3# It describes a set of packages to be installed, along with
 4# configuration settings.
 6  config:
 7    view: false
 8    concretization: separately
 9    build_stage: $spack/var/spack/stage
10    misc_cache: $spack/var/spack/misc_cache
11    concretizer: clingo
13  compilers:
14  - compiler:
15      spec: gcc@11.2.0
16      paths:
17        cc: cc
18        cxx: CC
19        f77: ftn
20        fc: ftn
21      flags: {}
22      operating_system: sles15
23      target: any
24      modules:
25      - PrgEnv-gnu
26      - gcc/11.2.0
27      - craype-x86-milan
28      - libfabric
29      extra_rpaths: []
30  - compiler:
31      spec: cce@13.0.2
32      paths:
33        cc: /opt/cray/pe/craype/default/bin/cc
34        cxx: /opt/cray/pe/craype/default/bin/CC
35        f77: /opt/cray/pe/craype/default/bin/ftn
36        fc: /opt/cray/pe/craype/default/bin/ftn
37      flags: {}
38      operating_system: sles15
39      target: any
40      modules:
41      - PrgEnv-cray
42      - cce/13.0.2
43      - craype-x86-milan
44      - libfabric
45      environment: {}
46      extra_rpaths: []
48  # add package specs to the `specs` list
49  specs: []
50  packages:
51    all:
52      compiler: [gcc@11.2.0, cce@13.0.2]
54  view: true


The directory /opt/cray/pe/craype/default resorts to the default Cray programming environment, craype, in this case its 2.7.16 and the cc wrapper should be from this corresponding directory.

(spack-pyenv) elvis@login34> ls -ld /opt/cray/pe/craype/default
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 6 Jun  1 14:56 /opt/cray/pe/craype/default -> 2.7.16

(spack-pyenv) elvis@login34> which cc

On Perlmutter, the craype/2.7.16 modulefile is responsible for setting the Cray wrappers which is loaded by default as shown below:

(spack-pyenv) elvis@login34> ml -t list craype/2.7.16

If this modulefile was removed, you will not have access to the Cray wrappers cc, CC or ftn which may result in several errors.

Now let’s check all available compilers by running spack compiler list

(spack-pyenv) elvis@login34> spack compiler list
==> Available compilers
-- cce sles15-any -----------------------------------------------

-- gcc sles15-any -----------------------------------------------

Package Preference

Now let’s try to run spack spec -Il hdf5, you will notice Spack will try to install all the packages from source, some of which are dependencies that should not be installed but rather set as external packages. For instance, utilities like openssl, bzip2, diffutils, openmpi, openssh should not be installed from source. We have documented Recommended External Packages for Spack that outlines a list of packages where we recommend using the NERSC system installations.

 1(spack-pyenv) elvis@login34> spack spec -Il hdf5
 2Input spec
 4 -   hdf5
 8 -   z4dfikd  hdf5@1.12.2%gcc@11.2.0~cxx~fortran~hl~ipo~java+mpi+shared~szip~threadsafe+tools api=default build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=cray-sles15-zen3
 9 -   auepzq2      ^cmake@3.23.1%gcc@11.2.0~doc+ncurses+ownlibs~qt build_type=Release arch=cray-sles15-zen3
10 -   2t22mc5          ^ncurses@6.2%gcc@11.2.0~symlinks+termlib abi=none arch=cray-sles15-zen3
11 -   nugfov2              ^pkgconf@1.8.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=cray-sles15-zen3
12 -   i2r3jpl          ^openssl@1.1.1o%gcc@11.2.0~docs~shared certs=system arch=cray-sles15-zen3
13 -   ekj3iat              ^perl@5.34.1%gcc@11.2.0+cpanm+shared+threads arch=cray-sles15-zen3
14 -   hafeanv                  ^berkeley-db@18.1.40%gcc@11.2.0+cxx~docs+stl patches=b231fcc arch=cray-sles15-zen3
15 -   blbwwl4                  ^bzip2@1.0.8%gcc@11.2.0~debug~pic+shared arch=cray-sles15-zen3
16 -   gvbyw6w                      ^diffutils@3.8%gcc@11.2.0 arch=cray-sles15-zen3
17 -   3xwztgy                          ^libiconv@1.16%gcc@11.2.0 libs=shared,static arch=cray-sles15-zen3
18 -   bxrz7zm                  ^gdbm@1.19%gcc@11.2.0 arch=cray-sles15-zen3
19 -   avhrefq                      ^readline@8.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=cray-sles15-zen3
20 -   ozmcyfj                  ^zlib@1.2.12%gcc@11.2.0+optimize+pic+shared patches=0d38234 arch=cray-sles15-zen3
21 -   gdm5qma      ^openmpi@4.1.3%gcc@11.2.0~atomics~cuda~cxx~cxx_exceptions~gpfs~internal-hwloc~java~legacylaunchers~lustre~memchecker~pmi+pmix+romio+rsh~singularity+static+vt+wrapper-rpath fabrics=none schedulers=none arch=cray-sles15-zen3
22 -   6rkjosk          ^hwloc@2.7.1%gcc@11.2.0~cairo~cuda~gl~libudev+libxml2~netloc~nvml~opencl+pci~rocm+shared arch=cray-sles15-zen3
23 -   oyeiwvg              ^libpciaccess@0.16%gcc@11.2.0 arch=cray-sles15-zen3
24 -   56oycjj                  ^libtool@2.4.7%gcc@11.2.0 arch=cray-sles15-zen3
25 -   flsruli                      ^m4@1.4.19%gcc@11.2.0+sigsegv patches=9dc5fbd,bfdffa7 arch=cray-sles15-zen3
26 -   wcuq435                          ^libsigsegv@2.13%gcc@11.2.0 arch=cray-sles15-zen3
27 -   koitq65                  ^util-macros@1.19.3%gcc@11.2.0 arch=cray-sles15-zen3
28 -   u2ai4xj              ^libxml2@2.9.13%gcc@11.2.0~python arch=cray-sles15-zen3
29 -   tyswlp4                  ^xz@5.2.5%gcc@11.2.0~pic libs=shared,static arch=cray-sles15-zen3
30 -   w2itznc          ^libevent@2.1.12%gcc@11.2.0+openssl arch=cray-sles15-zen3
31 -   t4jyphv          ^numactl@2.0.14%gcc@11.2.0 patches=4e1d78c,62fc8a8,ff37630 arch=cray-sles15-zen3
32 -   al4xc7v              ^autoconf@2.69%gcc@11.2.0 patches=35c4492,7793209,a49dd5b arch=cray-sles15-zen3
33 -   2uxxcnx              ^automake@1.16.5%gcc@11.2.0 arch=cray-sles15-zen3
34 -   w5aq2sc          ^openssh@9.0p1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=cray-sles15-zen3
35 -   mkoju5b              ^libedit@3.1-20210216%gcc@11.2.0 arch=cray-sles15-zen3
36 -   t3wpbom          ^pmix@4.1.2%gcc@11.2.0~docs+pmi_backwards_compatibility~restful arch=cray-sles15-zen3

Let’s try to update our Spack configuration with the external packages as follows:

 1# This is a Spack Environment file.
 3# It describes a set of packages to be installed, along with
 4# configuration settings.
 6  config:
 7    view: false
 8    concretization: separately
 9    build_stage: $spack/var/spack/stage
10    misc_cache: $spack/var/spack/misc_cache
11    concretizer: clingo
13  compilers:
14  - compiler:
15      spec: gcc@11.2.0
16      paths:
17        cc: cc
18        cxx: CC
19        f77: ftn
20        fc: ftn
21      flags: {}
22      operating_system: sles15
23      target: any
24      modules:
25      - PrgEnv-gnu
26      - gcc/11.2.0
27      - craype-x86-milan
28      - libfabric
29      extra_rpaths: []
30  - compiler:
31      spec: cce@13.0.2
32      paths:
33        cc: /opt/cray/pe/craype/default/bin/cc
34        cxx: /opt/cray/pe/craype/default/bin/CC
35        f77: /opt/cray/pe/craype/default/bin/ftn
36        fc: /opt/cray/pe/craype/default/bin/ftn
37      flags: {}
38      operating_system: sles15
39      target: any
40      modules:
41      - PrgEnv-cray
42      - cce/13.0.2
43      - craype-x86-milan
44      - libfabric
45      environment: {}
46      extra_rpaths: []
48  # add package specs to the `specs` list
49  specs: []
50  packages:
51    all:
52      compiler: [gcc@11.2.0, cce@13.0.2]
53    bzip2:
54      version: [1.0.6]
55      externals:
56      - spec: bzip2@1.0.6
57        prefix: /usr
58    diffutils:
59      version: [3.6]
60      externals:
61      - spec: diffutils@3.6
62        prefix: /usr
63    findutils:
64      version: [4.6.0]
65      externals:
66      - spec: findutils@4.6.0
67        prefix: /usr
68    openssl:
69      version: [1.1.0i]
70      buildable: false
71      externals:
72      - spec: openssl@1.1.0i
73        prefix: /usr
74    openssh:
75      version: [7.9p1]
76      buildable: false
77      externals:
78      - spec: openssh@7.9p1
79        prefix: /usr
80    readline:
81      version: [7.0]
82      buildable: false
83      externals:
84      - spec: readline@7.0
85        prefix: /usr
86    tar:
87      version: [1.3]
88      buildable: false
89      externals:
90      - spec: tar@1.30
91        prefix: /usr
92    unzip:
93      version: [6.0]
94      buildable: false
95      externals:
96      - spec: unzip@6.0
97        prefix: /usr
99  view: true

Many software packages depend on MPI, BLAS, PMI, and libfabrics, and these packages are typically available on Perlmutter. Shown below is a breakdown of the provider and its corresponding modules typically available on Perlmutter

  • MPI: cray-mpich

  • BLAS: cray-libsci

  • PMI: cray-pmi

  • libfabrics: libfabrics

Shown below are the corresponding modules that you should consider when setting up external packages.

(spack-pyenv) elvis@login34> ml -d av cray-mpich cray-libsci cray-pmi libfabrics

--------------------------------------------------- Cray Compiler/Network Dependent Packages ----------------------------------------------------
   cray-mpich-abi/8.1.17    cray-mpich/8.1.17 (L)

--------------------------------------------------------------- Cray Core Modules ---------------------------------------------------------------
   cray-libsci/ (L)    cray-pmi-lib/6.0.17    cray-pmi/6.1.3

   L:  Module is loaded

Use "module spider" to find all possible modules and extensions.
Use "module keyword key1 key2 ..." to search for all possible modules matching any of the "keys".

In Spack, you can use the spack providers command to find the corresponding Spack package that maps to the provider. In Spack these are referred to as virtual packages which are a collection of Spack packages that provide the same functionality.

(spack-pyenv) elvis@login34> spack providers
Virtual packages:
    D     daal      flame  glu     iconv  jpeg     lua-lang        mkl  mysql-client  osmesa  pkgconfig  sycl  unwind  yacc
    awk   elf       fuse   glx     ipp    lapack   luajit          mpe  onedal        pbs     rpc        szip  uuid    ziglang
    blas  fftw-api  gl     golang  java   libllvm  mariadb-client  mpi  opencl        pil     scalapack  tbb   xxd

For instance, if you want to see all the MPI providers you can run the following. Note that cray-mpich is in the list.

(spack-pyenv) elvis@login34> spack providers mpi
cray-mpich     intel-mpi              mpich@:1.1  mpich          mpt@1:         mvapich2@2.3:  openmpi         spectrum-mpi
cray-mvapich2  intel-oneapi-mpi       mpich@:1.2  mpilander      mpt@3:         mvapich2-gdr   openmpi@1.6.5
fujitsu-mpi    intel-parallel-studio  mpich@:3.1  mpitrampoline  mvapich2       mvapich2x      openmpi@1.7.5:
hpcx-mpi       mpich@:1.0             mpich@:3.2  mpt            mvapich2@2.1:  nvhpc          openmpi@2.0.0:

Now let’s try to update our Spack configuration as follows:

  1 # This is a Spack Environment file.
  2 #
  3 # It describes a set of packages to be installed, along with
  4 # configuration settings.
  5 spack:
  6   config:
  7     view: false
  8     concretization: separately
  9     build_stage: $spack/var/spack/stage
 10     misc_cache: $spack/var/spack/misc_cache
 11     concretizer: clingo
 13   compilers:
 14   - compiler:
 15       spec: gcc@11.2.0
 16       paths:
 17         cc: cc
 18         cxx: CC
 19         f77: ftn
 20         fc: ftn
 21       flags: {}
 22       operating_system: sles15
 23       target: any
 24       modules:
 25       - PrgEnv-gnu
 26       - gcc/11.2.0
 27       - craype-x86-milan
 28       - libfabric
 29       extra_rpaths: []
 30   - compiler:
 31       spec: cce@13.0.2
 32       paths:
 33         cc: /opt/cray/pe/craype/default/bin/cc
 34         cxx: /opt/cray/pe/craype/default/bin/CC
 35         f77: /opt/cray/pe/craype/default/bin/ftn
 36         fc: /opt/cray/pe/craype/default/bin/ftn
 37       flags: {}
 38       operating_system: sles15
 39       target: any
 40       modules:
 41       - PrgEnv-cray
 42       - cce/13.0.2
 43       - craype-x86-milan
 44       - libfabric
 45       environment: {}
 46       extra_rpaths: []
 48   # add package specs to the `specs` list
 49   specs: []
 50   packages:
 51     all:
 52       compiler: [gcc@11.2.0, cce@13.0.2]
 53       providers:
 54         blas: [cray-libsci]
 55         mpi: [cray-mpich]
 56     bzip2:
 57       version: [1.0.6]
 58       externals:
 59       - spec: bzip2@1.0.6
 60         prefix: /usr
 61     cray-libsci:
 62       buildable: false
 63       externals:
 64       - spec: cray-libsci@
 65         modules:
 66         - cray-libsci/
 67     cray-mpich:
 68       buildable: false
 69       externals:
 70       - spec: cray-mpich@8.1.15 %gcc@11.2.0
 71         prefix: /opt/cray/pe/mpich/8.1.15/ofi/gnu/9.1
 72         modules:
 73         - cray-mpich/8.1.15
 74         - cudatoolkit/11.5
 75       - spec: cray-mpich@8.1.15 %cce@13.0.2
 76         prefix: /opt/cray/pe/mpich/8.1.15/ofi/cray/10.0/
 77         modules:
 78         - cray-mpich/8.1.15
 79         - cudatoolkit/11.5
 80     cray-pmi:
 81       buildable: false
 82       externals:
 83       - spec: cray-pmi@6.1.1
 84         modules:
 85         - cray-pmi/6.1.1
 86     diffutils:
 87       version: [3.6]
 88       externals:
 89       - spec: diffutils@3.6
 90         prefix: /usr
 91     findutils:
 92       version: [4.6.0]
 93       externals:
 94       - spec: findutils@4.6.0
 95         prefix: /usr
 96     libfabric:
 97       buildable: false
 98       variants: fabrics=sockets,tcp,udp,rxm
 99       externals:
100       - spec: libfabric@
101         prefix: /opt/cray/libfabric/
102         modules:
103         - libfabric/
104     openssl:
105       version: [1.1.0i]
106       buildable: false
107       externals:
108       - spec: openssl@1.1.0i
109         prefix: /usr
110     openssh:
111       version: [7.9p1]
112       buildable: false
113       externals:
114       - spec: openssh@7.9p1
115         prefix: /usr
116     readline:
117       version: [7.0]
118       buildable: false
119       externals:
120       - spec: readline@7.0
121         prefix: /usr
122     tar:
123       version: [1.3]
124       buildable: false
125       externals:
126       - spec: tar@1.30
127         prefix: /usr
128     unzip:
129       version: [6.0]
130       buildable: false
131       externals:
132       - spec: unzip@6.0
133         prefix: /usr
135   view: true

Let’s try to run spack spec hypre and notice that Spack will now use cray-libsci and cray-mpich as the dependencies, because we have set these packages as externals.

(spack-pyenv) elvis@login34> spack spec hypre
Input spec

hypre@2.24.0%gcc@11.2.0~complex~cuda~debug+fortran~gptune~int64~internal-superlu~mixedint+mpi~openmp~rocm+shared~superlu-dist~unified-memory arch=cray-sles15-zen3
    ^cray-libsci@ arch=cray-sles15-zen3
    ^cray-mpich@8.1.15%gcc@11.2.0+wrappers arch=cray-sles15-zen3

Now let’s try to add some packages to our Spack configuration by adding the following lines:

  1# This is a Spack Environment file.
  3# It describes a set of packages to be installed, along with
  4# configuration settings.
  6  config:
  7    view: false
  8    concretization: separately
  9    build_stage: $spack/var/spack/stage
 10    misc_cache: $spack/var/spack/misc_cache
 11    concretizer: clingo
 12  compilers:
 13  - compiler:
 14      spec: gcc@11.2.0
 15      paths:
 16        cc: cc
 17        cxx: CC
 18        f77: ftn
 19        fc: ftn
 20      flags: {}
 21      operating_system: sles15
 22      target: any
 23      modules:
 24      - PrgEnv-gnu
 25      - gcc/11.2.0
 26      - craype-x86-milan
 27      - libfabric
 28      extra_rpaths: []
 29  - compiler:
 30      spec: cce@13.0.2
 31      paths:
 32        cc: /opt/cray/pe/craype/default/bin/cc
 33        cxx: /opt/cray/pe/craype/default/bin/CC
 34        f77: /opt/cray/pe/craype/default/bin/ftn
 35        fc: /opt/cray/pe/craype/default/bin/ftn
 36      flags: {}
 37      operating_system: sles15
 38      target: any
 39      modules:
 40      - PrgEnv-cray
 41      - cce/13.0.2
 42      - craype-x86-milan
 43      - libfabric
 44      environment: {}
 45      extra_rpaths: []
 46  # add package specs to the `specs` list
 47  specs:
 48  - papi %gcc
 49  - papi %cce
 50  - hypre %gcc
 51  - hypre %cce
 52  - darshan-runtime %gcc
 53  - darshan-runtime %cce
 54  packages:
 55    all:
 56      compiler: [gcc@11.2.0, cce@13.0.2]
 57      providers:
 58        blas: [cray-libsci]
 59        mpi: [cray-mpich]
 60    bzip2:
 61      version: [1.0.6]
 62      externals:
 63      - spec: bzip2@1.0.6
 64        prefix: /usr
 65    cray-libsci:
 66      buildable: false
 67      externals:
 68      - spec: cray-libsci@
 69        modules:
 70        - cray-libsci/
 71    cray-mpich:
 72      buildable: false
 73      externals:
 74      - spec: cray-mpich@8.1.15 %gcc@11.2.0
 75        prefix: /opt/cray/pe/mpich/8.1.15/ofi/gnu/9.1
 76        modules:
 77        - cray-mpich/8.1.15
 78        - cudatoolkit/11.5
 79      - spec: cray-mpich@8.1.15 %cce@13.0.2
 80        prefix: /opt/cray/pe/mpich/8.1.15/ofi/cray/10.0/
 81        modules:
 82        - cray-mpich/8.1.15
 83        - cudatoolkit/11.5
 84    cray-pmi:
 85      buildable: false
 86      externals:
 87      - spec: cray-pmi@6.1.1
 88        modules:
 89        - cray-pmi/6.1.1
 90    diffutils:
 91      version: [3.6]
 92      externals:
 93      - spec: diffutils@3.6
 94        prefix: /usr
 95    findutils:
 96      version: [4.6.0]
 97      externals:
 98      - spec: findutils@4.6.0
 99        prefix: /usr
100    libfabric:
101      buildable: false
102      variants: fabrics=sockets,tcp,udp,rxm
103      externals:
104      - spec: libfabric@
105        prefix: /opt/cray/libfabric/
106        modules:
107        - libfabric/
108    openssl:
109      version: [1.1.0i]
110      buildable: false
111      externals:
112      - spec: openssl@1.1.0i
113        prefix: /usr
114    openssh:
115      version: [7.9p1]
116      buildable: false
117      externals:
118      - spec: openssh@7.9p1
119        prefix: /usr
120    readline:
121      version: [7.0]
122      buildable: false
123      externals:
124      - spec: readline@7.0
125        prefix: /usr
126    tar:
127      version: [1.3]
128      buildable: false
129      externals:
130      - spec: tar@1.30
131        prefix: /usr
132    unzip:
133      version: [6.0]
134      buildable: false
135      externals:
136      - spec: unzip@6.0
137        prefix: /usr
138  view: true

Next, we will concretize the environment, you should see papi, hypre and darshan-runtime built with each compiler.

(spack-pyenv) elvis@login34> spack concretize
==> Starting concretization pool with 6 processes
==> Environment concretized in 18.58 seconds.
==> Concretized papi%gcc
 -   s2y4nrv  papi@ arch=cray-sles15-zen3

==> Concretized papi%cce
 -   3aprcx5  papi@ patches=b6d6caa arch=cray-sles15-zen3

==> Concretized hypre%gcc
 -   mbn7bum  hypre@2.24.0%gcc@11.2.0~complex~cuda~debug+fortran~gptune~int64~internal-superlu~mixedint+mpi~openmp~rocm+shared~superlu-dist~unified-memory arch=cray-sles15-zen3
 -   jzbnd6y      ^cray-libsci@ arch=cray-sles15-zen3
 -   3zy6uvs      ^cray-mpich@8.1.15%gcc@11.2.0+wrappers arch=cray-sles15-zen3

==> Concretized hypre%cce
 -   62ofdsf  hypre@2.24.0%cce@13.0.2~complex~cuda~debug+fortran~gptune~int64~internal-superlu~mixedint+mpi~openmp~rocm+shared~superlu-dist~unified-memory arch=cray-sles15-zen3
 -   7uzhxpv      ^cray-libsci@ arch=cray-sles15-zen3
 -   tb5uxwe      ^cray-mpich@8.1.15%cce@13.0.2+wrappers arch=cray-sles15-zen3

==> Concretized darshan-runtime%gcc
 -   hkxzwvt  darshan-runtime@3.3.1%gcc@11.2.0~apmpi~apmpi_sync~apxc~hdf5+mpi scheduler=NONE arch=cray-sles15-zen3
 -   3zy6uvs      ^cray-mpich@8.1.15%gcc@11.2.0+wrappers arch=cray-sles15-zen3
 -   ozmcyfj      ^zlib@1.2.12%gcc@11.2.0+optimize+pic+shared patches=0d38234 arch=cray-sles15-zen3

==> Concretized darshan-runtime%cce
 -   uj3wa4a  darshan-runtime@3.3.1%cce@13.0.2~apmpi~apmpi_sync~apxc~hdf5+mpi scheduler=NONE arch=cray-sles15-zen3
 -   tb5uxwe      ^cray-mpich@8.1.15%cce@13.0.2+wrappers arch=cray-sles15-zen3
 -   e2hl6cx      ^zlib@1.2.12%cce@13.0.2+optimize+pic+shared patches=0d38234 arch=cray-sles15-zen3

Let’s install all the packages via spack install. This would be a good time to get a cup of coffee since it will likely take a few minutes.

(spack-pyenv) elvis@login34> spack install
==> Installing environment data_viz
==> Installing papi-
==> No binary for papi- found: installing from source
==> Fetching
==> No patches needed for papi
==> papi: Executing phase: 'autoreconf'
==> papi: Executing phase: 'configure'
==> papi: Executing phase: 'build'
==> papi: Executing phase: 'install'
==> papi: Successfully installed papi-
  Fetch: 1.49s.  Build: 28.94s.  Total: 30.43s.
[+] /global/u1/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/spack/opt/spack/cray-sles15-zen3/gcc-11.2.0/papi-
==> Installing papi-
==> No binary for papi- found: installing from source
==> Using cached archive: /global/u1/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/spack/var/spack/cache/_source-cache/archive/3c/3cd7ed50c65b0d21d66e46d0ba34cd171178af4bbf9d94e693915c1aca1e287f.tar.gz
==> Applied patch /global/u1/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/spack/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/papi/crayftn-fixes.patch
==> papi: Executing phase: 'autoreconf'
==> papi: Executing phase: 'configure'
==> papi: Executing phase: 'build'
==> papi: Executing phase: 'install'
==> papi: Successfully installed papi-
  Fetch: 0.01s.  Build: 28.94s.  Total: 28.95s.
[+] /global/u1/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/spack/opt/spack/cray-sles15-zen3/cce-13.0.2/papi-
==> cray-libsci@ : has external module in ['cray-libsci/']
[+] /opt/cray/pe/libsci/ (external cray-libsci-
==> cray-mpich@8.1.15 : has external module in ['cray-mpich/8.1.15', 'cudatoolkit/11.5']
[+] /opt/cray/pe/mpich/8.1.15/ofi/gnu/9.1 (external cray-mpich-8.1.15-3zy6uvszbd5a3rniq2xd2v5a3d27qstw)
==> cray-libsci@ : has external module in ['cray-libsci/']
[+] /opt/cray/pe/libsci/ (external cray-libsci-
==> cray-mpich@8.1.15 : has external module in ['cray-mpich/8.1.15', 'cudatoolkit/11.5']
[+] /opt/cray/pe/mpich/8.1.15/ofi/cray/10.0/ (external cray-mpich-8.1.15-tb5uxwezfzx4xth7azefyrhzlvf7koqb)
==> Installing zlib-1.2.12-ozmcyfjfv7i5gjjgklfsh43h67vzsuc5
==> No binary for zlib-1.2.12-ozmcyfjfv7i5gjjgklfsh43h67vzsuc5 found: installing from source
==> Fetching
==> Applied patch /global/u1/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/spack/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/zlib/configure-cc.patch
==> zlib: Executing phase: 'install'
==> zlib: Successfully installed zlib-1.2.12-ozmcyfjfv7i5gjjgklfsh43h67vzsuc5
  Fetch: 0.62s.  Build: 2.10s.  Total: 2.72s.
[+] /global/u1/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/spack/opt/spack/cray-sles15-zen3/gcc-11.2.0/zlib-1.2.12-ozmcyfjfv7i5gjjgklfsh43h67vzsuc5
==> Installing zlib-1.2.12-e2hl6cxmzbg5psoh5upqmqqltjftc3pb
==> No binary for zlib-1.2.12-e2hl6cxmzbg5psoh5upqmqqltjftc3pb found: installing from source
==> Using cached archive: /global/u1/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/spack/var/spack/cache/_source-cache/archive/91/91844808532e5ce316b3c010929493c0244f3d37593afd6de04f71821d5136d9.tar.gz
==> Applied patch /global/u1/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/spack/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/zlib/configure-cc.patch
==> zlib: Executing phase: 'install'
==> zlib: Successfully installed zlib-1.2.12-e2hl6cxmzbg5psoh5upqmqqltjftc3pb
  Fetch: 0.00s.  Build: 2.45s.  Total: 2.45s.
[+] /global/u1/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/spack/opt/spack/cray-sles15-zen3/cce-13.0.2/zlib-1.2.12-e2hl6cxmzbg5psoh5upqmqqltjftc3pb
==> Installing hypre-2.24.0-mbn7bumcoqmjhf5y2sm3hnr64vml4dvf
==> No binary for hypre-2.24.0-mbn7bumcoqmjhf5y2sm3hnr64vml4dvf found: installing from source
==> Fetching
==> No patches needed for hypre
==> hypre: Executing phase: 'autoreconf'
==> hypre: Executing phase: 'configure'
==> hypre: Executing phase: 'build'
==> hypre: Executing phase: 'install'
==> hypre: Successfully installed hypre-2.24.0-mbn7bumcoqmjhf5y2sm3hnr64vml4dvf
  Fetch: 0.77s.  Build: 37.43s.  Total: 38.20s.
[+] /global/u1/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/spack/opt/spack/cray-sles15-zen3/gcc-11.2.0/hypre-2.24.0-mbn7bumcoqmjhf5y2sm3hnr64vml4dvf
==> Installing hypre-2.24.0-62ofdsfxckay53ewpiidg4nlamhnzq3b
==> No binary for hypre-2.24.0-62ofdsfxckay53ewpiidg4nlamhnzq3b found: installing from source
==> Using cached archive: /global/u1/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/spack/var/spack/cache/_source-cache/archive/f4/f480e61fc25bf533fc201fdf79ec440be79bb8117650627d1f25151e8be2fdb5.tar.gz
==> No patches needed for hypre
==> hypre: Executing phase: 'autoreconf'
==> hypre: Executing phase: 'configure'
==> hypre: Executing phase: 'build'
==> hypre: Executing phase: 'install'
==> hypre: Successfully installed hypre-2.24.0-62ofdsfxckay53ewpiidg4nlamhnzq3b
  Fetch: 0.01s.  Build: 1m 5.86s.  Total: 1m 5.87s.
[+] /global/u1/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/spack/opt/spack/cray-sles15-zen3/cce-13.0.2/hypre-2.24.0-62ofdsfxckay53ewpiidg4nlamhnzq3b
==> Installing darshan-runtime-3.3.1-hkxzwvtw5rlmsvwt4irwnxxuwzwbuzoj
==> No binary for darshan-runtime-3.3.1-hkxzwvtw5rlmsvwt4irwnxxuwzwbuzoj found: installing from source
==> Fetching
==> No patches needed for darshan-runtime
==> darshan-runtime: Executing phase: 'autoreconf'
==> darshan-runtime: Executing phase: 'configure'
==> darshan-runtime: Executing phase: 'build'
==> darshan-runtime: Executing phase: 'install'
==> darshan-runtime: Successfully installed darshan-runtime-3.3.1-hkxzwvtw5rlmsvwt4irwnxxuwzwbuzoj
  Fetch: 1.07s.  Build: 9.24s.  Total: 10.31s.
[+] /global/u1/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/spack/opt/spack/cray-sles15-zen3/gcc-11.2.0/darshan-runtime-3.3.1-hkxzwvtw5rlmsvwt4irwnxxuwzwbuzoj
==> Installing darshan-runtime-3.3.1-uj3wa4au7kphj52syka4w3dxiadosagh
==> No binary for darshan-runtime-3.3.1-uj3wa4au7kphj52syka4w3dxiadosagh found: installing from source
==> Using cached archive: /global/u1/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/spack/var/spack/cache/_source-cache/archive/28/281d871335977d0592a49d053df93d68ce1840f6fdec27fea7a59586a84395f7.tar.gz
==> No patches needed for darshan-runtime
==> darshan-runtime: Executing phase: 'autoreconf'
==> darshan-runtime: Executing phase: 'configure'
==> darshan-runtime: Executing phase: 'build'
==> darshan-runtime: Executing phase: 'install'
==> darshan-runtime: Successfully installed darshan-runtime-3.3.1-uj3wa4au7kphj52syka4w3dxiadosagh
  Fetch: 0.01s.  Build: 9.58s.  Total: 9.58s.
[+] /global/u1/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/spack/opt/spack/cray-sles15-zen3/cce-13.0.2/darshan-runtime-3.3.1-uj3wa4au7kphj52syka4w3dxiadosagh
==> Updating view at /global/u1/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/spack/var/spack/environments/data_viz/.spack-env/view
==> Warning: Skipping external package: cray-libsci@ arch=cray-sles15-zen3/jzbnd6y
==> Warning: Skipping external package: cray-mpich@8.1.15%gcc@11.2.0+wrappers arch=cray-sles15-zen3/3zy6uvs
==> Warning: Skipping external package: cray-libsci@ arch=cray-sles15-zen3/7uzhxpv
==> Warning: Skipping external package: cray-mpich@8.1.15%cce@13.0.2+wrappers arch=cray-sles15-zen3/tb5uxwe
==> Error: 178 fatal error(s) when merging prefixes:
    `/global/u1/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/spack/opt/spack/cray-sles15-zen3/gcc-11.2.0/papi-` and `/global/u1/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/spack/opt/spack/cray-sles15-zen3/cce-13.0.2/papi-` both project to `.spack/papi/archived-files/src/removed_la_files.txt`
    `/global/u1/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/spack/opt/spack/cray-sles15-zen3/gcc-11.2.0/papi-` and `/global/u1/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/spack/opt/spack/cray-sles15-zen3/cce-13.0.2/papi-` both project to `.spack/papi/install_environment.json`
    `/global/u1/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/spack/opt/spack/cray-sles15-zen3/gcc-11.2.0/papi-` and `/global/u1/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/spack/opt/spack/cray-sles15-zen3/cce-13.0.2/papi-` both project to `.spack/papi/install_manifest.json`

Upon completion you can run spack find to see all installed packages.

(spack-pyenv) elvis@login34> spack find
==> In environment data_viz
==> Root specs
-- no arch / cce ------------------------------------------------
darshan-runtime%cce  hypre%cce  papi%cce

-- no arch / gcc ------------------------------------------------
darshan-runtime%gcc  hypre%gcc  papi%gcc

==> 12 installed packages
-- cray-sles15-zen3 / cce@13.0.2 --------------------------------
cray-libsci@  cray-mpich@8.1.15  darshan-runtime@3.3.1  hypre@2.24.0  papi@  zlib@1.2.12

-- cray-sles15-zen3 / gcc@11.2.0 --------------------------------
cray-libsci@  cray-mpich@8.1.15  darshan-runtime@3.3.1  hypre@2.24.0  papi@  zlib@1.2.12

Defining a Source Mirror

You may have noticed Spack will fetch tarballs from the web when installing packages and this can be time-consuming when downloading large tarballs. It is a good idea to store tarballs on the filesystem once and then let Spack use them for any Spack builds. You should have one location where tarballs. Let’s run the following command:

(spack-pyenv) elvis@login34> spack mirror create -d $CI_PROJECT_DIR/spack_mirror -a
==> Adding package cray-libsci@ to mirror
==> Adding package cray-libsci@ to mirror
==> Adding package cray-mpich@8.1.15 to mirror
==> Adding package cray-mpich@8.1.15 to mirror
==> Adding package darshan-runtime@3.3.1 to mirror
==> Using cached archive: /global/u1/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/spack/var/spack/cache/_source-cache/archive/28/281d871335977d0592a49d053df93d68ce1840f6fdec27fea7a59586a84395f7.tar.gz
==> Adding package darshan-runtime@3.3.1 to mirror
==> Adding package hypre@2.24.0 to mirror
==> Using cached archive: /global/u1/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/spack/var/spack/cache/_source-cache/archive/f4/f480e61fc25bf533fc201fdf79ec440be79bb8117650627d1f25151e8be2fdb5.tar.gz
==> Adding package hypre@2.24.0 to mirror
==> Adding package papi@ to mirror
==> Using cached archive: /global/u1/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/spack/var/spack/cache/_source-cache/archive/3c/3cd7ed50c65b0d21d66e46d0ba34cd171178af4bbf9d94e693915c1aca1e287f.tar.gz
==> Fetching
==> Adding package papi@ to mirror
==> Adding package zlib@1.2.12 to mirror
==> Using cached archive: /global/u1/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/spack/var/spack/cache/_source-cache/archive/91/91844808532e5ce316b3c010929493c0244f3d37593afd6de04f71821d5136d9.tar.gz
==> Adding package zlib@1.2.12 to mirror
==> Successfully created mirror in file:///global/homes/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/spack_mirror
  Archive stats:
    4    already present
    4    added
    0    failed to fetch.

If you inspect the directory you will notice the tarballs are present in this directory.

(spack-pyenv) elvis@login34> ls -l $CI_PROJECT_DIR/spack_mirror/*
total 1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 elvis elvis 99 Aug  4 08:28 darshan-runtime-3.3.1.tar.gz -> ../_source-cache/archive/28/281d871335977d0592a49d053df93d68ce1840f6fdec27fea7a59586a84395f7.tar.gz

total 1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 elvis elvis 99 Aug  4 08:28 hypre-2.24.0.tar.gz -> ../_source-cache/archive/f4/f480e61fc25bf533fc201fdf79ec440be79bb8117650627d1f25151e8be2fdb5.tar.gz

total 2
lrwxrwxrwx 1 elvis elvis 99 Aug  4 08:28 papi- -> ../_source-cache/archive/3c/3cd7ed50c65b0d21d66e46d0ba34cd171178af4bbf9d94e693915c1aca1e287f.tar.gz
lrwxrwxrwx 1 elvis elvis 92 Aug  4 08:28 raw-64c57b3 -> ../_source-cache/archive/64/64c57b3ad4026255238cc495df6abfacc41de391a0af497c27d0ac819444a1f8

total 1
drwxrwxr-x 7 elvis elvis 512 Aug  4 08:28 archive

total 1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 elvis elvis 99 Aug  4 08:28 zlib-1.2.12.tar.gz -> ../_source-cache/archive/91/91844808532e5ce316b3c010929493c0244f3d37593afd6de04f71821d5136d9.tar.gz

Building CUDA Packages

On Perlmutter, the standalone CUDA package is available by loading the following modulefile:

(spack-pyenv) elvis@login34> ml -t av cudatoolkit

NVIDIA provides CUDA as part of the NVHPC compiler which is installed on Perlmutter and accessible via the nvhpc modulefile.

(spack-pyenv) elvis@login34> ml -t av nvhpc

The root of nvhpc/21.11 is available at /opt/nvidia/hpc_sdk/Linux_x86_64/21.11. You can see content of this modulefile by running module show nvhpc/21.11 and inspecting the modulefile. Shown below is the directory structure for root of NVHPC stack.

(spack-pyenv) elvis@login34> ls -l /opt/nvidia/hpc_sdk/Linux_x86_64/21.11
total 0
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root  72 Aug  1 07:03 cmake
drwxrwxr-x  6 root root 144 Aug  1 07:07 comm_libs
drwxrwxr-x 14 root root 235 Aug  1 07:07 compilers
drwxrwxr-x  3 root root  78 Aug  1 07:07 cuda
drwxrwxr-x 11 root root 205 Aug  1 07:05 examples
drwxrwxr-x  3 root root  55 Aug  1 07:07 math_libs
drwxrwxr-x  4 root root  71 Aug  1 07:07 profilers
drwxrwxr-x  6 root root  90 Aug  1 07:03 REDIST

cuda/11.5 is installed in following directory, which can be activated by loading the cudatoolkit/11.5 modulefile.

(spack-pyenv) elvis@login34> ls -l /opt/nvidia/hpc_sdk/Linux_x86_64/21.11/cuda/11.5
total 65
drwxrwxr-x 3 root root   335 Aug  1 07:04 bin
drwxrwxr-x 4 root root   385 Aug  1 07:04 compute-sanitizer
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   160 Dec  8  2021 DOCS
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 61727 Dec  8  2021 EULA.txt
drwxrwxr-x 4 root root    44 Aug  1 07:04 extras
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root    28 Dec  8  2021 include -> targets/x86_64-linux/include
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root    24 Dec  8  2021 lib64 -> targets/x86_64-linux/lib
drwxrwxr-x 7 root root   242 Aug  1 07:04 libnvvp
drwxrwxr-x 3 root root    30 Aug  1 07:04 nvml
drwxrwxr-x 7 root root   106 Aug  1 07:04 nvvm
drwxrwxr-x 7 root root    94 Aug  1 07:04 nvvm-prev
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   524 Dec  8  2021 README
drwxrwxr-x 3 root root    26 Aug  1 07:04 share
drwxrwxr-x 3 root root    35 Aug  1 07:04 targets
drwxrwxr-x 2 root root    52 Aug  1 07:05 tools
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  2669 Dec  8  2021 version.json

We can confirm the nvcc compiler provided by CUDA is available in this directory along with the (CUDA Runtime) library

(spack-pyenv) elvis@login34> /opt/nvidia/hpc_sdk/Linux_x86_64/21.11/cuda/11.5/bin/nvcc --version
nvcc: NVIDIA (R) Cuda compiler driver
Copyright (c) 2005-2021 NVIDIA Corporation
Built on Thu_Nov_18_09:45:30_PST_2021
Cuda compilation tools, release 11.5, V11.5.119
Build cuda_11.5.r11.5/compiler.30672275_0

(spack-pyenv) elvis@login34> ls /opt/nvidia/hpc_sdk/Linux_x86_64/21.11/cuda/11.5/lib64/

Let’s define our CUDA package preference in our Spack configuration. To illustrate, we will install papi with the spec papi +cuda %gcc. This indicates that we want PAPI installed with CUDA support using the GCC compiler. Please copy the following content in your spack.yaml.

  1 # This is a Spack Environment file.
  2 #
  3 # It describes a set of packages to be installed, along with
  4 # configuration settings.
  5 spack:
  6   config:
  7     view: false
  8     concretization: separately
  9     build_stage: $spack/var/spack/stage
 10     misc_cache: $spack/var/spack/misc_cache
 11     concretizer: clingo
 12   compilers:
 13   - compiler:
 14       spec: gcc@11.2.0
 15       paths:
 16         cc: cc
 17         cxx: CC
 18         f77: ftn
 19         fc: ftn
 20       flags: {}
 21       operating_system: sles15
 22       target: any
 23       modules:
 24       - PrgEnv-gnu
 25       - gcc/11.2.0
 26       - craype-x86-milan
 27       - libfabric
 28       extra_rpaths: []
 29   - compiler:
 30       spec: cce@13.0.2
 31       paths:
 32         cc: /opt/cray/pe/craype/default/bin/cc
 33         cxx: /opt/cray/pe/craype/default/bin/CC
 34         f77: /opt/cray/pe/craype/default/bin/ftn
 35         fc: /opt/cray/pe/craype/default/bin/ftn
 36       flags: {}
 37       operating_system: sles15
 38       target: any
 39       modules:
 40       - PrgEnv-cray
 41       - cce/13.0.2
 42       - craype-x86-milan
 43       - libfabric
 44       environment: {}
 45       extra_rpaths: []
 47   # add package specs to the `specs` list
 48   specs:
 49   - papi %gcc
 50   - papi %cce
 51   - hypre %gcc
 52   - hypre %cce
 53   - darshan-runtime %gcc
 54   - darshan-runtime %cce
 55   - papi +cuda %gcc
 56   packages:
 57     all:
 58       compiler: [gcc@11.2.0, cce@13.0.2]
 59       providers:
 60         blas: [cray-libsci]
 61         mpi: [cray-mpich]
 62     bzip2:
 63       version: [1.0.6]
 64       externals:
 65       - spec: bzip2@1.0.6
 66         prefix: /usr
 67     cray-libsci:
 68       buildable: false
 69       externals:
 70       - spec: cray-libsci@
 71         modules:
 72         - cray-libsci/
 73     cray-mpich:
 74       buildable: false
 75       externals:
 76       - spec: cray-mpich@8.1.15 %gcc@11.2.0
 77         prefix: /opt/cray/pe/mpich/8.1.15/ofi/gnu/9.1
 78         modules:
 79         - cray-mpich/8.1.15
 80         - cudatoolkit/11.5
 81       - spec: cray-mpich@8.1.15 %cce@13.0.2
 82         prefix: /opt/cray/pe/mpich/8.1.15/ofi/cray/10.0/
 83         modules:
 84         - cray-mpich/8.1.15
 85         - cudatoolkit/11.5
 86     cray-pmi:
 87       buildable: false
 88       externals:
 89       - spec: cray-pmi@6.1.1
 90         modules:
 91         - cray-pmi/6.1.1
 92     cuda:
 93       buildable: false
 94       version: [11.5.0]
 95       externals:
 96       - spec: cuda@11.5.0
 97         prefix: /opt/nvidia/hpc_sdk/Linux_x86_64/21.11/cuda/11.5
 98         modules:
 99         - cudatoolkit/11.5
100     diffutils:
101       version: [3.6]
102       externals:
103       - spec: diffutils@3.6
104         prefix: /usr
105     findutils:
106       version: [4.6.0]
107       externals:
108       - spec: findutils@4.6.0
109         prefix: /usr
110     libfabric:
111       buildable: false
112       variants: fabrics=sockets,tcp,udp,rxm
113       externals:
114       - spec: libfabric@
115         prefix: /opt/cray/libfabric/
116         modules:
117         - libfabric/
118     openssl:
119       version: [1.1.0i]
120       buildable: false
121       externals:
122       - spec: openssl@1.1.0i
123         prefix: /usr
124     openssh:
125       version: [7.9p1]
126       buildable: false
127       externals:
128       - spec: openssh@7.9p1
129         prefix: /usr
130     readline:
131       version: [7.0]
132       buildable: false
133       externals:
134       - spec: readline@7.0
135         prefix: /usr
136     tar:
137       version: [1.3]
138       buildable: false
139       externals:
140       - spec: tar@1.30
141         prefix: /usr
142     unzip:
143       version: [6.0]
144       buildable: false
145       externals:
146       - spec: unzip@6.0
147         prefix: /usr
148   view: true

Now let’s try to install.

(spack-pyenv) elvis@login34> spack install
==> Installing environment data_viz
==> cuda@11.5.0 : has external module in ['cudatoolkit/11.5']
[+] /opt/nvidia/hpc_sdk/Linux_x86_64/21.11/cuda/11.5 (external cuda-11.5.0-puekfe32hbj72iftffa3etecesmlqwqg)
==> Installing papi-
==> No binary for papi- found: installing from source
==> Using cached archive: /global/u1/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/spack/var/spack/cache/_source-cache/archive/3c/3cd7ed50c65b0d21d66e46d0ba34cd171178af4bbf9d94e693915c1aca1e287f.tar.gz
==> No patches needed for papi
==> papi: Executing phase: 'autoreconf'
==> papi: Executing phase: 'configure'
==> papi: Executing phase: 'build'
==> papi: Executing phase: 'install'
==> papi: Successfully installed papi-
  Fetch: 0.01s.  Build: 4m 46.76s.  Total: 4m 46.76s.
[+] /global/u1/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/spack/opt/spack/cray-sles15-zen3/gcc-11.2.0/papi-
==> Updating view at /global/u1/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/spack/var/spack/environments/data_viz/.spack-env/view
==> Warning: Skipping external package: cray-libsci@ arch=cray-sles15-zen3/jzbnd6y
==> Warning: Skipping external package: cray-mpich@8.1.15%gcc@11.2.0+wrappers arch=cray-sles15-zen3/3zy6uvs
==> Warning: Skipping external package: cray-libsci@ arch=cray-sles15-zen3/7uzhxpv
==> Warning: Skipping external package: cray-mpich@8.1.15%cce@13.0.2+wrappers arch=cray-sles15-zen3/tb5uxwe
==> Warning: Skipping external package: cuda@11.5.0%gcc@11.2.0~allow-unsupported-compilers~dev arch=cray-sles15-zen3/puekfe3
==> Error: 193 fatal error(s) when merging prefixes:
    `/global/u1/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/spack/opt/spack/cray-sles15-zen3/gcc-11.2.0/papi-` and `/global/u1/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/spack/opt/spack/cray-sles15-zen3/cce-13.0.2/papi-` both project to `.spack/papi/archived-files/src/removed_la_files.txt`
    `/global/u1/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/spack/opt/spack/cray-sles15-zen3/gcc-11.2.0/papi-` and `/global/u1/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/spack/opt/spack/cray-sles15-zen3/cce-13.0.2/papi-` both project to `.spack/papi/install_environment.json`
    `/global/u1/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/spack/opt/spack/cray-sles15-zen3/gcc-11.2.0/papi-` and `/global/u1/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/spack/opt/spack/cray-sles15-zen3/cce-13.0.2/papi-` both project to `.spack/papi/install_manifest.json`

Generating Modulefiles

In this section we let Spack generate modulefiles for the Spack packages we installed. Perlmutter is using Lmod as the module system which supports both tcl and lua modules. You may want to refer to Modules for more information.

(spack-pyenv) elvis@login34> module --version

Modules based on Lua: Version 8.3.1  2020-02-16 19:46 :z
    by Robert McLay

For this training we will cover how to generate tcl modules in a flat hierarchy. To get started, let’s add the following to our Spack configuration:

  1# This is a Spack Environment file.
  3# It describes a set of packages to be installed, along with
  4# configuration settings.
  6  config:
  7    view: false
  8    concretization: separately
  9    build_stage: $spack/var/spack/stage
 10    misc_cache: $spack/var/spack/misc_cache
 11    concretizer: clingo
 12  compilers:
 13  - compiler:
 14      spec: gcc@11.2.0
 15      paths:
 16        cc: cc
 17        cxx: CC
 18        f77: ftn
 19        fc: ftn
 20      flags: {}
 21      operating_system: sles15
 22      target: any
 23      modules:
 24      - PrgEnv-gnu
 25      - gcc/11.2.0
 26      - craype-x86-milan
 27      - libfabric
 28      extra_rpaths: []
 29  - compiler:
 30      spec: cce@13.0.2
 31      paths:
 32        cc: /opt/cray/pe/craype/default/bin/cc
 33        cxx: /opt/cray/pe/craype/default/bin/CC
 34        f77: /opt/cray/pe/craype/default/bin/ftn
 35        fc: /opt/cray/pe/craype/default/bin/ftn
 36      flags: {}
 37      operating_system: sles15
 38      target: any
 39      modules:
 40      - PrgEnv-cray
 41      - cce/13.0.2
 42      - craype-x86-milan
 43      - libfabric
 44      environment: {}
 45      extra_rpaths: []
 47  # add package specs to the `specs` list
 48  specs:
 49  - papi %gcc
 50  - papi %cce
 51  - hypre %gcc
 52  - hypre %cce
 53  - darshan-runtime %gcc
 54  - darshan-runtime %cce
 55  - papi +cuda %gcc
 56  packages:
 57    all:
 58      compiler: [gcc@11.2.0, cce@13.0.2]
 59      providers:
 60        blas: [cray-libsci]
 61        mpi: [cray-mpich]
 62    bzip2:
 63      version: [1.0.6]
 64      externals:
 65      - spec: bzip2@1.0.6
 66        prefix: /usr
 67    cray-libsci:
 68      buildable: false
 69      externals:
 70      - spec: cray-libsci@
 71        modules:
 72        - cray-libsci/
 73    cray-mpich:
 74      buildable: false
 75      externals:
 76      - spec: cray-mpich@8.1.15 %gcc@11.2.0
 77        prefix: /opt/cray/pe/mpich/8.1.15/ofi/gnu/9.1
 78        modules:
 79        - cray-mpich/8.1.15
 80        - cudatoolkit/11.5
 81      - spec: cray-mpich@8.1.15 %cce@13.0.2
 82        prefix: /opt/cray/pe/mpich/8.1.15/ofi/cray/10.0/
 83        modules:
 84        - cray-mpich/8.1.15
 85        - cudatoolkit/11.5
 86    cray-pmi:
 87      buildable: false
 88      externals:
 89      - spec: cray-pmi@6.1.1
 90        modules:
 91        - cray-pmi/6.1.1
 92    cuda:
 93      buildable: false
 94      version: [11.5.0]
 95      externals:
 96      - spec: cuda@11.5.0
 97        prefix: /opt/nvidia/hpc_sdk/Linux_x86_64/21.11/cuda/11.5
 98        modules:
 99        - cudatoolkit/11.5
100    diffutils:
101      version: [3.6]
102      externals:
103      - spec: diffutils@3.6
104        prefix: /usr
105    findutils:
106      version: [4.6.0]
107      externals:
108      - spec: findutils@4.6.0
109        prefix: /usr
110    libfabric:
111      buildable: false
112      variants: fabrics=sockets,tcp,udp,rxm
113      externals:
114      - spec: libfabric@
115        prefix: /opt/cray/libfabric/
116        modules:
117        - libfabric/
118    openssl:
119      version: [1.1.0i]
120      buildable: false
121      externals:
122      - spec: openssl@1.1.0i
123        prefix: /usr
124    openssh:
125      version: [7.9p1]
126      buildable: false
127      externals:
128      - spec: openssh@7.9p1
129        prefix: /usr
130    readline:
131      version: [7.0]
132      buildable: false
133      externals:
134      - spec: readline@7.0
135        prefix: /usr
136    tar:
137      version: [1.3]
138      buildable: false
139      externals:
140      - spec: tar@1.30
141        prefix: /usr
142    unzip:
143      version: [6.0]
144      buildable: false
145      externals:
146      - spec: unzip@6.0
147        prefix: /usr
148  modules:
149    default:
150      enable:
151      - tcl
152      tcl:
153        blacklist_implicits: true
154        hash_length: 0
155        naming_scheme: '{name}/{version}-{}-{compiler.version}'
156        all:
157          autoload: direct
158          conflict:
159          - '{name}'
160          environment:
161            set:
162              '{name}_ROOT': '{prefix}'
163          suffixes:
164            ^cuda: cuda
166  view: true

The blacklist_implicits: true will ignore module generation for dependencies which is useful when you are building a large software stack, you don’t want an explosion of modulefiles for utilities that you would never use. The hash_length: 0 will avoid adding hash characters at end of modulefile, the naming_scheme will instruct Spack how to format the modulefiles being written on the file-system. Now let’s generate the modulefiles. It is generally a good idea to run this in debug mode to understand how files are being generated. The spack module tcl refresh command will generate tcl modules, it is good idea to specify --delete-tree -y which will delete the root of module tree and -y will accept confirmation. In the output take note of where modulefiles are being written. You will see a list of specs as BLACKLISTED_AS_IMPLICIT which are specs that will not generate modulefiles

 1(spack-pyenv) elvis@login34> spack -d module tcl refresh --delete-tree -y
 2==> [2022-08-04-09:42:35.558437] Reading config file /global/u1/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/spack/etc/spack/defaults/config.yaml
 3==> [2022-08-04-09:42:35.708144] Reading config file /global/u1/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/spack/var/spack/environments/data_viz/spack.yaml
 4==> [2022-08-04-09:42:35.767338] Using environment 'data_viz'
 5==> [2022-08-04-09:42:35.968497] Imported module from built-in commands
 6==> [2022-08-04-09:42:35.975354] Imported module from built-in commands
 7==> [2022-08-04-09:42:35.991742] Reading config file /global/u1/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/spack/etc/spack/defaults/bootstrap.yaml
 8==> [2022-08-04-09:42:36.044748] DATABASE LOCK TIMEOUT: 3s
 9==> [2022-08-04-09:42:36.044959] PACKAGE LOCK TIMEOUT: No timeout
10==> [2022-08-04-09:42:36.161175] Reading config file /global/u1/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/spack/etc/spack/defaults/repos.yaml
11==> [2022-08-04-09:42:36.634555] Reading config file /global/u1/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/spack/etc/spack/defaults/modules.yaml
12==> [2022-08-04-09:42:36.691668] Reading config file /global/u1/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/spack/etc/spack/defaults/cray/modules.yaml
13==> [2022-08-04-09:42:38.077573]    BLACKLISTED_AS_IMPLICIT : cray-libsci@ arch=cray-sles15-zen3/7uzhxpv
14==> [2022-08-04-09:42:38.079387]    BLACKLISTED_AS_IMPLICIT : cray-libsci@ arch=cray-sles15-zen3/jzbnd6y
15==> [2022-08-04-09:42:38.081189]    BLACKLISTED_AS_IMPLICIT : cray-mpich@8.1.15%cce@13.0.2+wrappers arch=cray-sles15-zen3/tb5uxwe
16==> [2022-08-04-09:42:38.082661]    BLACKLISTED_AS_IMPLICIT : cray-mpich@8.1.15%gcc@11.2.0+wrappers arch=cray-sles15-zen3/3zy6uvs
17==> [2022-08-04-09:42:38.084601]    BLACKLISTED_AS_IMPLICIT : cuda@11.5.0%gcc@11.2.0~allow-unsupported-compilers~dev arch=cray-sles15-zen3/puekfe3
18==> [2022-08-04-09:42:38.097284]    BLACKLISTED_AS_IMPLICIT : zlib@1.2.12%cce@13.0.2+optimize+pic+shared patches=0d38234 arch=cray-sles15-zen3/e2hl6cx
19==> [2022-08-04-09:42:38.099494]    BLACKLISTED_AS_IMPLICIT : zlib@1.2.12%gcc@11.2.0+optimize+pic+shared patches=0d38234 arch=cray-sles15-zen3/ozmcyfj
20==> [2022-08-04-09:44:22.697989] Regenerating tcl module files
21==> [2022-08-04-09:44:22.872234]    WRITE: darshan-runtime@3.3.1%cce@13.0.2~apmpi~apmpi_sync~apxc~hdf5+mpi scheduler=NONE arch=cray-sles15-zen3/uj3wa4a [/global/u1/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/spack/share/spack/modules/cray-sles15-zen3/darshan-runtime/3.3.1-cce-13.0.2]
22==> [2022-08-04-09:44:23.696894] Module name: cce/13.0.2
23==> [2022-08-04-09:44:23.697138] Package directory variable prefix: CCE
24==> [2022-08-04-09:44:23.959854] Module name: cce/13.0.2
25==> [2022-08-04-09:44:23.960027] Package directory variable prefix: CCE
26==> [2022-08-04-09:44:24.183730] Module name: cce/13.0.2
27==> [2022-08-04-09:44:24.183920] Package directory variable prefix: CCE
28==> [2022-08-04-09:44:24.810258] Module name: cce/13.0.2
29==> [2022-08-04-09:44:24.810473] Package directory variable prefix: CCE
30==> [2022-08-04-09:44:25.037930] Module name: cce/13.0.2
31==> [2022-08-04-09:44:25.038163] Package directory variable prefix: CCE
32==> [2022-08-04-09:44:25.052737]    BLACKLISTED_AS_IMPLICIT : cray-mpich@8.1.15%cce@13.0.2+wrappers arch=cray-sles15-zen3/tb5uxwe
33==> [2022-08-04-09:44:25.056012]    BLACKLISTED_AS_IMPLICIT : zlib@1.2.12%cce@13.0.2+optimize+pic+shared patches=0d38234 arch=cray-sles15-zen3/e2hl6cx
34==> [2022-08-04-09:44:25.060927] Reading config file /global/u1/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/spack/etc/spack/defaults/packages.yaml
35==> [2022-08-04-09:44:25.113314]    WRITE: darshan-runtime@3.3.1%gcc@11.2.0~apmpi~apmpi_sync~apxc~hdf5+mpi scheduler=NONE arch=cray-sles15-zen3/hkxzwvt [/global/u1/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/spack/share/spack/modules/cray-sles15-zen3/darshan-runtime/3.3.1-gcc-11.2.0]
36==> [2022-08-04-09:44:25.219719]    BLACKLISTED_AS_IMPLICIT : cray-mpich@8.1.15%gcc@11.2.0+wrappers arch=cray-sles15-zen3/3zy6uvs
37==> [2022-08-04-09:44:25.222960]    BLACKLISTED_AS_IMPLICIT : zlib@1.2.12%gcc@11.2.0+optimize+pic+shared patches=0d38234 arch=cray-sles15-zen3/ozmcyfj
38==> [2022-08-04-09:44:25.258546]    WRITE: hypre@2.24.0%cce@13.0.2~complex~cuda~debug+fortran~gptune~int64~internal-superlu~mixedint+mpi~openmp~rocm+shared~superlu-dist~unified-memory arch=cray-sles15-zen3/62ofdsf [/global/u1/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/spack/share/spack/modules/cray-sles15-zen3/hypre/2.24.0-cce-13.0.2]
39==> [2022-08-04-09:44:25.550468] Module name: cce/13.0.2
40==> [2022-08-04-09:44:25.550681] Package directory variable prefix: CCE
41==> [2022-08-04-09:44:25.785678] Module name: cce/13.0.2
42==> [2022-08-04-09:44:25.785853] Package directory variable prefix: CCE
43==> [2022-08-04-09:44:25.995944] Module name: cce/13.0.2
44==> [2022-08-04-09:44:25.996162] Package directory variable prefix: CCE
45==> [2022-08-04-09:44:26.212011] Module name: cce/13.0.2
46==> [2022-08-04-09:44:26.212283] Package directory variable prefix: CCE
47==> [2022-08-04-09:44:26.225681]    BLACKLISTED_AS_IMPLICIT : cray-libsci@ arch=cray-sles15-zen3/7uzhxpv
48==> [2022-08-04-09:44:26.230079]    BLACKLISTED_AS_IMPLICIT : cray-mpich@8.1.15%cce@13.0.2+wrappers arch=cray-sles15-zen3/tb5uxwe
49==> [2022-08-04-09:44:26.238876]    WRITE: hypre@2.24.0%gcc@11.2.0~complex~cuda~debug+fortran~gptune~int64~internal-superlu~mixedint+mpi~openmp~rocm+shared~superlu-dist~unified-memory arch=cray-sles15-zen3/mbn7bum [/global/u1/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/spack/share/spack/modules/cray-sles15-zen3/hypre/2.24.0-gcc-11.2.0]
50==> [2022-08-04-09:44:26.385208]    BLACKLISTED_AS_IMPLICIT : cray-libsci@ arch=cray-sles15-zen3/jzbnd6y
51==> [2022-08-04-09:44:26.388329]    BLACKLISTED_AS_IMPLICIT : cray-mpich@8.1.15%gcc@11.2.0+wrappers arch=cray-sles15-zen3/3zy6uvs
52==> [2022-08-04-09:44:26.398423]    WRITE: papi@ patches=b6d6caa arch=cray-sles15-zen3/3aprcx5 [/global/u1/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/spack/share/spack/modules/cray-sles15-zen3/papi/]
53==> [2022-08-04-09:44:26.749919] Module name: cce/13.0.2
54==> [2022-08-04-09:44:26.750092] Package directory variable prefix: CCE
55==> [2022-08-04-09:44:26.762459]    WRITE: papi@ arch=cray-sles15-zen3/s2y4nrv [/global/u1/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/spack/share/spack/modules/cray-sles15-zen3/papi/]
56==> [2022-08-04-09:44:26.897249]    WRITE: papi@ arch=cray-sles15-zen3/x43djbq [/global/u1/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/spack/share/spack/modules/cray-sles15-zen3/papi/]
57==> [2022-08-04-09:44:27.240985] Module name: gcc/11.2.0
58==> [2022-08-04-09:44:27.241199] Package directory variable prefix: GCC
59==> [2022-08-04-09:44:27.316093]    BLACKLISTED_AS_IMPLICIT : cuda@11.5.0%gcc@11.2.0~allow-unsupported-compilers~dev arch=cray-sles15-zen3/puekfe3

Spack will generate the modulefiles, in its default location $SPACK_ROOT/share/spack/modules which is organized by architecture (spack arch) as shown below:

(spack-pyenv) elvis@login34> ls $SPACK_ROOT/share/spack/modules/$(spack arch)/*
3.3.1-cce-13.0.2  3.3.1-gcc-11.2.0

2.24.0-cce-13.0.2  2.24.0-gcc-11.2.0


Let’s change the directory path such that modulefiles are not inside Spack’s root directory and they are easy to remember. For this exercise let’s generate the modulefiles in your $HOME/spack-infrastructure/modules directory.

  1# This is a Spack Environment file.
  3# It describes a set of packages to be installed, along with
  4# configuration settings.
  6  config:
  7    view: false
  8    concretization: separately
  9    build_stage: $spack/var/spack/stage
 10    misc_cache: $spack/var/spack/misc_cache
 11    concretizer: clingo
 12  compilers:
 13  - compiler:
 14      spec: gcc@11.2.0
 15      paths:
 16        cc: cc
 17        cxx: CC
 18        f77: ftn
 19        fc: ftn
 20      flags: {}
 21      operating_system: sles15
 22      target: any
 23      modules:
 24      - PrgEnv-gnu
 25      - gcc/11.2.0
 26      - craype-x86-milan
 27      - libfabric
 28      extra_rpaths: []
 29  - compiler:
 30      spec: cce@13.0.2
 31      paths:
 32        cc: /opt/cray/pe/craype/default/bin/cc
 33        cxx: /opt/cray/pe/craype/default/bin/CC
 34        f77: /opt/cray/pe/craype/default/bin/ftn
 35        fc: /opt/cray/pe/craype/default/bin/ftn
 36      flags: {}
 37      operating_system: sles15
 38      target: any
 39      modules:
 40      - PrgEnv-cray
 41      - cce/13.0.2
 42      - craype-x86-milan
 43      - libfabric
 44      environment: {}
 45      extra_rpaths: []
 47  # add package specs to the `specs` list
 48  specs:
 49  - papi %gcc
 50  - papi %cce
 51  - hypre %gcc
 52  - hypre %cce
 53  - darshan-runtime %gcc
 54  - darshan-runtime %cce
 55  - papi +cuda %gcc
 56  packages:
 57    all:
 58      compiler: [gcc@11.2.0, cce@13.0.2]
 59      providers:
 60        blas: [cray-libsci]
 61        mpi: [cray-mpich]
 62    bzip2:
 63      version: [1.0.6]
 64      externals:
 65      - spec: bzip2@1.0.6
 66        prefix: /usr
 67    cray-libsci:
 68      buildable: false
 69      externals:
 70      - spec: cray-libsci@
 71        modules:
 72        - cray-libsci/
 73    cray-mpich:
 74      buildable: false
 75      externals:
 76      - spec: cray-mpich@8.1.15 %gcc@11.2.0
 77        prefix: /opt/cray/pe/mpich/8.1.15/ofi/gnu/9.1
 78        modules:
 79        - cray-mpich/8.1.15
 80        - cudatoolkit/11.5
 81      - spec: cray-mpich@8.1.15 %cce@13.0.2
 82        prefix: /opt/cray/pe/mpich/8.1.15/ofi/cray/10.0/
 83        modules:
 84        - cray-mpich/8.1.15
 85        - cudatoolkit/11.5
 86    cray-pmi:
 87      buildable: false
 88      externals:
 89      - spec: cray-pmi@6.1.1
 90        modules:
 91        - cray-pmi/6.1.1
 92    cuda:
 93      buildable: false
 94      version: [11.5.0]
 95      externals:
 96      - spec: cuda@11.5.0
 97        prefix: /opt/nvidia/hpc_sdk/Linux_x86_64/21.11/cuda/11.5
 98        modules:
 99        - cudatoolkit/11.5
100    diffutils:
101      version: [3.6]
102      externals:
103      - spec: diffutils@3.6
104        prefix: /usr
105    findutils:
106      version: [4.6.0]
107      externals:
108      - spec: findutils@4.6.0
109        prefix: /usr
110    libfabric:
111      buildable: false
112      variants: fabrics=sockets,tcp,udp,rxm
113      externals:
114      - spec: libfabric@
115        prefix: /opt/cray/libfabric/
116        modules:
117        - libfabric/
118    openssl:
119      version: [1.1.0i]
120      buildable: false
121      externals:
122      - spec: openssl@1.1.0i
123        prefix: /usr
124    openssh:
125      version: [7.9p1]
126      buildable: false
127      externals:
128      - spec: openssh@7.9p1
129        prefix: /usr
130    readline:
131      version: [7.0]
132      buildable: false
133      externals:
134      - spec: readline@7.0
135        prefix: /usr
136    tar:
137      version: [1.3]
138      buildable: false
139      externals:
140      - spec: tar@1.30
141        prefix: /usr
142    unzip:
143      version: [6.0]
144      buildable: false
145      externals:
146      - spec: unzip@6.0
147        prefix: /usr
148  modules:
149    default:
150      enable:
151      - tcl
152      roots:
153        tcl: /global/homes/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/modules
154      tcl:
155        blacklist_implicits: true
156        hash_length: 0
157        naming_scheme: '{name}/{version}-{}-{compiler.version}'
158        all:
159          autoload: direct
160          conflict:
161          - '{name}'
162          environment:
163            set:
164              '{name}_ROOT': '{prefix}'
165          suffixes:
166            ^cuda: cuda
168  view: true

Now you will see the modulefiles are written in $HOME/spack-infrastructure/modules.

(spack-pyenv) elvis@login34> spack -d module tcl refresh --delete-tree -y
==> [2022-08-04-09:53:00.452047] Reading config file /global/u1/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/spack/etc/spack/defaults/config.yaml
==> [2022-08-04-09:53:00.563502] Reading config file /global/u1/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/spack/var/spack/environments/data_viz/spack.yaml
==> [2022-08-04-09:53:00.617365] Using environment 'data_viz'
==> [2022-08-04-09:53:00.625951] Imported module from built-in commands
==> [2022-08-04-09:53:00.632039] Imported module from built-in commands
==> [2022-08-04-09:53:00.637512] Reading config file /global/u1/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/spack/etc/spack/defaults/bootstrap.yaml
==> [2022-08-04-09:53:00.654001] DATABASE LOCK TIMEOUT: 3s
==> [2022-08-04-09:53:00.654065] PACKAGE LOCK TIMEOUT: No timeout
==> [2022-08-04-09:53:00.657750] Reading config file /global/u1/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/spack/etc/spack/defaults/repos.yaml
==> [2022-08-04-09:53:00.670487] Reading config file /global/u1/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/spack/etc/spack/defaults/modules.yaml
==> [2022-08-04-09:53:00.687615] Reading config file /global/u1/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/spack/etc/spack/defaults/cray/modules.yaml
==> [2022-08-04-09:53:00.891563]    BLACKLISTED_AS_IMPLICIT : cray-libsci@ arch=cray-sles15-zen3/7uzhxpv
==> [2022-08-04-09:53:00.892858]    BLACKLISTED_AS_IMPLICIT : cray-libsci@ arch=cray-sles15-zen3/jzbnd6y
==> [2022-08-04-09:53:00.894129]    BLACKLISTED_AS_IMPLICIT : cray-mpich@8.1.15%cce@13.0.2+wrappers arch=cray-sles15-zen3/tb5uxwe
==> [2022-08-04-09:53:00.895334]    BLACKLISTED_AS_IMPLICIT : cray-mpich@8.1.15%gcc@11.2.0+wrappers arch=cray-sles15-zen3/3zy6uvs
==> [2022-08-04-09:53:00.896502]    BLACKLISTED_AS_IMPLICIT : cuda@11.5.0%gcc@11.2.0~allow-unsupported-compilers~dev arch=cray-sles15-zen3/puekfe3
==> [2022-08-04-09:53:00.904007]    BLACKLISTED_AS_IMPLICIT : zlib@1.2.12%cce@13.0.2+optimize+pic+shared patches=0d38234 arch=cray-sles15-zen3/e2hl6cx
==> [2022-08-04-09:53:00.905394]    BLACKLISTED_AS_IMPLICIT : zlib@1.2.12%gcc@11.2.0+optimize+pic+shared patches=0d38234 arch=cray-sles15-zen3/ozmcyfj
==> [2022-08-04-09:53:03.555915] Regenerating tcl module files
==> [2022-08-04-09:53:03.577058]    WRITE: darshan-runtime@3.3.1%cce@13.0.2~apmpi~apmpi_sync~apxc~hdf5+mpi scheduler=NONE arch=cray-sles15-zen3/uj3wa4a [/global/homes/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/modules/cray-sles15-zen3/darshan-runtime/3.3.1-cce-13.0.2]
==> [2022-08-04-09:53:04.003818] Module name: cce/13.0.2
==> [2022-08-04-09:53:04.004044] Package directory variable prefix: CCE
==> [2022-08-04-09:53:04.248393] Module name: cce/13.0.2
==> [2022-08-04-09:53:04.248675] Package directory variable prefix: CCE
==> [2022-08-04-09:53:04.484157] Module name: cce/13.0.2
==> [2022-08-04-09:53:04.484420] Package directory variable prefix: CCE
==> [2022-08-04-09:53:04.766465] Module name: cce/13.0.2
==> [2022-08-04-09:53:04.766692] Package directory variable prefix: CCE
==> [2022-08-04-09:53:05.024080] Module name: cce/13.0.2
==> [2022-08-04-09:53:05.024335] Package directory variable prefix: CCE
==> [2022-08-04-09:53:05.043781]    BLACKLISTED_AS_IMPLICIT : cray-mpich@8.1.15%cce@13.0.2+wrappers arch=cray-sles15-zen3/tb5uxwe
==> [2022-08-04-09:53:05.048836]    BLACKLISTED_AS_IMPLICIT : zlib@1.2.12%cce@13.0.2+optimize+pic+shared patches=0d38234 arch=cray-sles15-zen3/e2hl6cx
==> [2022-08-04-09:53:05.055298] Reading config file /global/u1/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/spack/etc/spack/defaults/packages.yaml
==> [2022-08-04-09:53:05.111091]    WRITE: darshan-runtime@3.3.1%gcc@11.2.0~apmpi~apmpi_sync~apxc~hdf5+mpi scheduler=NONE arch=cray-sles15-zen3/hkxzwvt [/global/homes/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/modules/cray-sles15-zen3/darshan-runtime/3.3.1-gcc-11.2.0]
==> [2022-08-04-09:53:05.161578]    BLACKLISTED_AS_IMPLICIT : cray-mpich@8.1.15%gcc@11.2.0+wrappers arch=cray-sles15-zen3/3zy6uvs
==> [2022-08-04-09:53:05.164707]    BLACKLISTED_AS_IMPLICIT : zlib@1.2.12%gcc@11.2.0+optimize+pic+shared patches=0d38234 arch=cray-sles15-zen3/ozmcyfj
==> [2022-08-04-09:53:05.171012]    WRITE: hypre@2.24.0%cce@13.0.2~complex~cuda~debug+fortran~gptune~int64~internal-superlu~mixedint+mpi~openmp~rocm+shared~superlu-dist~unified-memory arch=cray-sles15-zen3/62ofdsf [/global/homes/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/modules/cray-sles15-zen3/hypre/2.24.0-cce-13.0.2]
==> [2022-08-04-09:53:05.469562] Module name: cce/13.0.2
==> [2022-08-04-09:53:05.469791] Package directory variable prefix: CCE
==> [2022-08-04-09:53:05.767046] Module name: cce/13.0.2
==> [2022-08-04-09:53:05.767239] Package directory variable prefix: CCE
==> [2022-08-04-09:53:06.050449] Module name: cce/13.0.2
==> [2022-08-04-09:53:06.050663] Package directory variable prefix: CCE
==> [2022-08-04-09:53:06.295722] Module name: cce/13.0.2
==> [2022-08-04-09:53:06.295923] Package directory variable prefix: CCE
==> [2022-08-04-09:53:06.307895]    BLACKLISTED_AS_IMPLICIT : cray-libsci@ arch=cray-sles15-zen3/7uzhxpv
==> [2022-08-04-09:53:06.313024]    BLACKLISTED_AS_IMPLICIT : cray-mpich@8.1.15%cce@13.0.2+wrappers arch=cray-sles15-zen3/tb5uxwe
==> [2022-08-04-09:53:06.321590]    WRITE: hypre@2.24.0%gcc@11.2.0~complex~cuda~debug+fortran~gptune~int64~internal-superlu~mixedint+mpi~openmp~rocm+shared~superlu-dist~unified-memory arch=cray-sles15-zen3/mbn7bum [/global/homes/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/modules/cray-sles15-zen3/hypre/2.24.0-gcc-11.2.0]
==> [2022-08-04-09:53:06.366559]    BLACKLISTED_AS_IMPLICIT : cray-libsci@ arch=cray-sles15-zen3/jzbnd6y
==> [2022-08-04-09:53:06.369882]    BLACKLISTED_AS_IMPLICIT : cray-mpich@8.1.15%gcc@11.2.0+wrappers arch=cray-sles15-zen3/3zy6uvs
==> [2022-08-04-09:53:06.377335]    WRITE: papi@ patches=b6d6caa arch=cray-sles15-zen3/3aprcx5 [/global/homes/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/modules/cray-sles15-zen3/papi/]
==> [2022-08-04-09:53:06.656390] Module name: cce/13.0.2
==> [2022-08-04-09:53:06.656565] Package directory variable prefix: CCE
==> [2022-08-04-09:53:06.670466]    WRITE: papi@ arch=cray-sles15-zen3/s2y4nrv [/global/homes/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/modules/cray-sles15-zen3/papi/]
==> [2022-08-04-09:53:06.719655]    WRITE: papi@ arch=cray-sles15-zen3/x43djbq [/global/homes/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/modules/cray-sles15-zen3/papi/]
==> [2022-08-04-09:53:07.034250] Module name: gcc/11.2.0
==> [2022-08-04-09:53:07.034531] Package directory variable prefix: GCC
==> [2022-08-04-09:53:07.055549]    BLACKLISTED_AS_IMPLICIT : cuda@11.5.0%gcc@11.2.0~allow-unsupported-compilers~dev arch=cray-sles15-zen3/puekfe3

We can see that Spack has generated the modulefiles in the format of {name}/{version}-{}-{compiler.version}. For example, the -cuda suffix was added for the PAPI module that has CUDA-enabled features.

(spack-pyenv) elvis@login34> ls -l $CI_PROJECT_DIR/modules/$(spack arch)/*
total 8
-rw-r--r-- 1 elvis elvis 2245 Aug  4 09:53 3.3.1-cce-13.0.2
-rw-r--r-- 1 elvis elvis 2243 Aug  4 09:53 3.3.1-gcc-11.2.0

total 8
-rw-r--r-- 1 elvis elvis 1951 Aug  4 09:53 2.24.0-cce-13.0.2
-rw-r--r-- 1 elvis elvis 1943 Aug  4 09:53 2.24.0-gcc-11.2.0

total 12
-rw-r--r-- 1 elvis elvis 2441 Aug  4 09:53
-rw-r--r-- 1 elvis elvis 2425 Aug  4 09:53
-rw-r--r-- 1 elvis elvis 2503 Aug  4 09:53

We can add this directory to MODULEPATH by running the following:

(spack-pyenv) elvis@login34> module use $CI_PROJECT_DIR/modules/$(spack arch)

Next, if we run ml av we will see the modules generated from Spack that correspond to the installed Spack packages.

(spack-pyenv) elvis@login34> ml av

------------------------------------ /global/homes/e/elvis/spack-infrastructure/modules/cray-sles15-zen3 -------------------------------------
   darshan-runtime/3.3.1-cce-13.0.2        hypre/2.24.0-cce-13.0.2        papi/         papi/
   darshan-runtime/3.3.1-gcc-11.2.0 (D)    hypre/2.24.0-gcc-11.2.0 (D)    papi/

This concludes the Spack training.